Monday, August 27, 2012

The Facts of the Horse Hill ASP

While everyone is entitled to their own opinion and views on what makes a great ASP, spreading misinformation to support a particular position is not. Throughout this ASP process, a lot of incorrect information has been spread.

NEEA believes it is critical for anyone following this to know what the facts are. To that end, we present the straight facts on this ASP:

·         This is not being rushed. The land was annexed for this purpose 30 years ago. It was identified as one of three Priority Growth Areas, and as an Urban Growth Area by the City in 2010 as part of the Municipal Development Plan
·         This land has been urban land, part of the City of Edmonton, for 30 years
·         No one was ever forced to sell, nor will they be forced to sell
·         There are no farms to be saved. No land being used for agricultural purposed by major vegetable producers is at risk. It is all retained in the proposed plan as agriculture
·         The plan proposes more than 200 hectares of land for agriculture. No ASP in Edmonton has ever marked any land as agriculture before
·         This ASP is the first in Edmonton’s history to incorporate urban agriculture as a major focus of the plan
·         This ASP followed a unique process, with a significant amount more input from community groups and the public. This flow chart illustrates what the typical process looks like, and what has happened with this ASP:
·         Landowners, residents, community groups and environmental groups have all had numerous and equal opportunities to contribute to the design of the plan. In addition to public open houses, the Stakeholder Advisory Group played a major role in developing this ASP. Have a look at the membership list:
·         Edmonton’s food security is not at risk. The proposed plan actually sets aside more land for agricultural purposes than what is currently being used to grow produce. The region is also an exporter of food; and farmer’s markets are supplied by producers throughout the Capital Region and beyond, not just farm in Horse Hill.

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  1. Sad that you trust people enough to put food on your plate, yet you can't trust them enough to share the facts. NEEA I hope that you get your story out there, seems like it is!

  2. Thanks for the comment SweetMomma, All we care is the correct information from BOTH sides are known. Their side is certainly getting out, certain media outlet rags have been bought off apparentlty as we have made ourselves available with NO replies to write about ours. hats off to CBC and Edmonton Global!

